who we are

Michael Snake

My name is MICHAŁ JAN WĄŻ and I craft shamanic drums in accordance with the spirits speaking during the process, and the flow of energy that manifests during birth.

The first drums on which I had the opportunity to play I got in the inheritance. It was a completely handmade drumming by my grandfather Jan, who inspired me 20 years later to make my own instrument…

A thought came to me, after a while it turned out to be a cry, a call to create a vegan shamanic drum. Combining the technical skills and knowledge of the sound engineer and musician with the path of spiritual development, it manifested…

AGAJA AGNIESZKA GAJZLEROWICZ good spirit, dwarf and guardian of space. Visual arts are her daily bread. Positive energy and a smile always in the heart. A woman of power!


JAKUB KERBER wood technologist. Precision is his middle name, and attention to details makes him catch every mistake in the art. Kuba supports us in creating hoops for both shaman drums and bendirs, tars and other hoops.

MAJA WĄŻ painter, graduate of the Poznań Academy of Fine Arts. He paints spiritual patterns, power animals, energy portals.

Creativity from the heart ॐ,
by nature freely manifesting itself in many different forms…

Nowa Róża Art

TOM CHODNIK a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts. Artist, graphic artist, musician and traveler. He creates drawings, paintings, murals and illustrations. Many years of artistic path led him to spiritual and visionary painting, to which he devotes most of his life energy.
His tool is art, and his philosophy is love, which is the voice that speaks through his work and his greatest inspiration.
